Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Funny old world, innit?

I just realized something interesting...
One of the things that I am really good at is deciphering and arranging vocal harmonies - creating distinct individual vocal parts and melodies.
However, the other thing that I have found that another thing that I seem to be really good at is having the other guys sing the part that they fall into, and I find a part that fits in on top of it all. I guess I can just hear it.
Given a choice, my first inclination would go with arranging vocal parts. However, I am learning more and more that I really like finding a part that fits in, fills the gaps like mortar. Or glue. Or another thing that fits in between other things. In addition, if the other guys are singing the parts that they 'fall into,' then everybody is playing to their strengths; i.e., everyone is singing what comes naturally to them, and nobody is out of their element trying to sing a forced vocal part.
I am lucky that I am in a band of musicians who can sing what comes naturally to them, and it works.
Interesting how things work out.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to listen to your Amazing Grace tonight. My Dad is having surgery on the 24th of this month. His surgeon sees the most fit 80 year old man ever! I am humbled to be his daughter. I am looking at gall bladder surgery myself, funny, I'm not overweight or into sweets or fat foods. I personally think it's my liver. Ah, but what a life it's been. Cheers!
